Celilo Inn – Local Events
While the beauty of the Columbia River Gorge draws travelers year-round for exciting activities both indoors and out, veteran Gorge travelers know that the area really begins to shine when spring comes along. As trees get their leaves back and then turn to flower and fruit, the natural color pallet of the hills and valleys around The Dalles springs to life. It’s at this time that the communities of Wasco and Hood River counties spring to life as well, hosting events throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Harvest time begins late September and is a great time to visit local wineries. Participate in a grape stomp party and see the crushing and fermenting process first hand.
- BLOSSOM FESTIVAL March 27-April 11
- JAMMIN JULY STREET FAIR Second Saturday in July
- FORT DALLES DAYS Third Weekend in July
- HOOD RIVER COUNTY FAIR Fourth Weekend in July
- CRUISE THE GORGE – “Cruise the Gorge Car Show” takes place in August. Complete info regarding the show events and registration can be found at www.midcolumbiacarclub.org
Cruise the Gorge and music at Riverfront Park. For additional information call 541-296-6710 - VAN GOGH DAYS August 8-9 Rasmussen Farms, Hood River
Celebrate sunflowers! Some 50 varieties of the bright blooms are growing in the garden at the farm. Paint or photograph them or cut some to take home. During the weekend, enjoy quilt and art shows and wine tastings. - DUFUR THRESHING BEE August 11
The Dufur Threshing Bee is held the second weekend of August. Each year since 1971, the citizens of Dufur have staged a threshing bee, to honor their history, celebrate the crop just harvested, and share with their neighbors the pleasures and rewards of working together as a community. Visitors can see horse-drawn antique harvesting equipment being used in the fields. This is the only threshing event in the country that uses horse-drawn machinery, and demonstrates every step of the process from cutting standing wheat to sewing up bags for shipping. The Threshing Bee offers working demonstrations of authentic horse-powered and steam-driven combines and other farming equipment. In the late 1800s, harvesting a wheat crop was no small matter. It took teams of 32 horses to move some of the harvesting equipment. Farmers would hire in harvest crews, and everyone worked long hours to get the job done. Farmers’ wives’ labored to feed the crews, sometimes spending all day in portable cook shacks preparing meals for as many as 30 men. The Dufur Threshing Bee recreates this community wide event, with fun, races, contests, an antique tractor pull, and more. - WASCO COUNTY FAIR August 13-16
4-H exhibits, carnival rides and entertainment. - KLICKITAT COUNTY FAIR & RODEO August 20-23
Goldendale, Washington - GRAVENSTEIN APPLE DAYS August 22-23
- Columbia Gorge Wine Growers – Labor Day Open House Weekend
Wineries will be sharing new releases and extended hours - MARYHILL FESTIVAL OF SPEED September 2-9
This IGSA sanctioned event is a 5-day, multi-discipline gravity sports competition. 200 of the top international gravity sports competitors will compete in downhill skateboarding, street luge, inline skating and more. - HISTORIC DALLES DAYS
Downtown street fest, side walk sales, territorial Express Experience, Wagon rides and exhibits of old time daily life.
541-298-1906 - HOOD RIVER HOPS FEST October
Watch The Dalles transform into a magical place Christmas lights, music, and of course a visit from Santa Claus! Also enjoy the traditional Chili Feed after the parade.
For more information visit TheDallesChamber.com.